Thursday, July 17, 2008

Boy Scout Camp!!!!!

Well Kyle and Nathaniel and the rest of the Scouts and Leaders have been working on this hike for about a year. This hike was all intent to be a 50 mile hike that would start on Monday and end on Saturday. Well they all had their backpacks loaded and ready to go on Sunday.
The plan for their meals were as follows, Oatmeal for breakfast, toparoman for lunch, and baked potato, chicken and rice, or beef strogenoff. These meals they did for a court of honor so the parent got try out what their boys would be eating.
Well they met at the Scout Masters home at 6:00am Monday to start off. They got to the trail head at about 9:00am, got packs on and started off the trail was not to bad to start but got difficult half way into the 8 mile to Pinto Lake. They made it and had dinner and hit the hay real early no supprise.
On Tuesday they had Breakfast and broke camp for there 4 mile hike up to 4 Lakes, this hike was very difficult they gained about 1500-2000 feet in elavation half way through Tuesday's hike the Scout Master got sick and was not doing well. So they camped at 4 Lakes for Tuesday and Wednesday, they got up Thursday and he was not feeling better so they decided to call it early week but the hike was not over yet. On Wednesday the boys played in the lake and got sunburned so the 9 mile hike back out was not very comfortable. Well they made home Thursday afternoon insted of Saturday.

Kyle and Nathaniels Camp

This was the start point of the week long back pack trip with the Scout Troop.

A View from the sart of the trail. Here is what we looked like at the start of the Hike. There were Four leaders and Four Boys. From left to right Parker, Buck, Dallyn, Nate, Boyd, Kyle, Eric and Loyd. We look like we are about to have a lot of fun

We needed team work right from the start. The rivers were running high and fast.Camp the first night at Pinto Lake

Pinto Lake Wednesday Eric challenged the boys to a boat race in one of the little streams. I still don't know who won. I am not sure that the boys know either. They did have a very good time.
The fishing was very good. I don't think the winter hat was needed but if it helped with the fishing what ever. We were at Four Lakes for Tusesday and Wednesday and had a very good time fishing and playing in the water.

The end of the Trail.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008